Attention: Embroidery Business Owners

Step by Step Guide To Setting Up An Easy To Use Embroidery Business Bookkeeping System!

This will increase your Cash Flow!

Once you have it set up, you can create your Work Orders in QuickBooks and print out all outstanding jobs so they are in front of you.

This can make the difference in just getting your work on a great schedule and being able to deliver your jobs on time!

Once your job is complete, you can automatically create the invoice and get your money in house much quicker!

This is a Limited Time offer!

Isn't It Time For You To Set Up Your Embroidery Business Bookkeeping System And Start Being More Organized? It is not the same as setting it up for any other type of business!

2-Day Workshop - Feb 13-14 $197.00

In our 2-Day Workshop you can learn how to set up QuickBooks so that you can keep better track of your jobs and bring money in quicker!

Setting up QuickBooks as I teach you will help to keep your workflow more organized!

  • Do you know which area of your business is making you the most money?
  • Do you know which area of your business is costing you the most money?
  • Do you know exactly where you stand financially in your business today?
  • Is creating an invoice a real hassle?
  • Do you know how much work you have in your shop at all times?
  • Are you ready to take your finished books to the accountant for your taxes as soon as the year is done?
  • I will show you how to solve all of these issues in our 2-day workshop.
  • What I will be teaching you will work with any Accounting Software!

Total Investment of Only $197.00!

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Joyce, I want you to know how important the QuickBooks training has been to our business. I am NOT an accountant. When I started our business, I started with QuickBooks and over the years I was able to get it to work so that I had a basic idea of how we were doing. I could put in invoices and expenses.

I went through your QuickBooks training and I was able to take a GIANT step forward! I was able to set up my Chart of Accounts to really give me information that was useful.

Linda Gadwood

Here's what you get:

  • After the workshop you will have Online vIdeos to watch on your own time, 24/7.
  • I use "QuickBooks" but this same system will work in my bookkeeping or accounting software.
  • You will have downloadable documents and cheat sheets to print out to follow along as you are creating your system.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by, I do not want you to regret it!